WWOOF: travel with free accommodation and food by volunteering on organic farms

Volunteer - WWOOF

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Want to live and learn on organic farms worldwide? Want to share your life with other like-minded people? You can do this with WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms).

As a volunteer (or WWOOFer) you will live alongside your host helping with daily tasks and experiencing life as a farmer.

As a host farm you will open your home to receive visitors from your own country or abroad who want to connect with the land and support the organic movement.

1. Website


2. Country

You can choose a host in one of the 120 countries in which WWOOF now operates (the list is growing every day).

3. Organization

WWOOF is a worldwide movement linking volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to build a sustainable, global community. It was founded in London 1971 by Sue Coppard.

4. Types of hosts

Organic farms.

5. Type of Work

Every different kind of farm work you can imagine.

6. Duration

The duration of WWOOF stays can vary. You can negotiate this with your host.

7. Fee

You cannot see available opportunities without paying. The fee to become a member of WWOOF depends on the country or countries you are visiting. This can be anything between $5-72 USD and there is no international membership.

8. Eligibility

Most WWOOF groups use the lower age limit of 18 years as in most countries people are considered by law to be children.

But some WWOOF groups also do take younger people like Germany, Portugal, Ireland UK and Italy with a letter of consent from the parents or guardians.

There is no maximum age providing you are fit enough to work 4-6 hours a day. In fact many farms prefer more mature WWOOFers who have specific skills.

9. Application steps

It is easy to participate to WWOOF, just follow these steps:

  1. Check the website of WWOOF (http://wwoof.net/).
  2. Decide to which country from the destination list (http://wwoof.net/#destination) you want to go and select it.
  3. Once you’ve registered as a volunteer, and paid your membership fee, you will be able to login to the membership area.
  4. The membership area allows you to browse the list of hosts, view important information, look at photographs, and make contact with hosts that pique your interest.

10. Deadline

Applications open all over the year.

Good luck!

Are you interested in finding opportunities to go abroad? In the Scholarship Finder, you can discover a wide list of scholarships, work opportunities, volunteer projects, contests, entrepreneurial support, and virtual courses!

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