10 steps to become a blogger / influencer and start your own business

English  |  Español  |  Deutsch Creating a successful blog and becoming an influencer is a good alternative to leave the routine of a normal job…

Jobs that will let you earn money while traveling the world

English  |  Español  |  Deutsch Do you have a boring job? Do you want to discover the world and meet lots of new people? Do…

How to find scholarships to study abroad

English  |  Español  |  Deutsch Studying abroad is definitely one of the best experiences you can have in your life! It will allow you to…

How to find paid volunteer projects abroad

English  |  Español  |  Deutsch There exist a lot of volunteer projects all around the world. Some of them ask for a participation fee, others…

The 10 places you must definitely visit in Zimbabwe

English  |  Español  |  Deutsch I had the opportunity to live in Zimbabwe for six months, five working in a consulting project and one extra…