A dream wedding in Vienna, Austria: Johanna & Lukas
English | Español | Deutsch This summer I went to the wedding of one of my best friends in Vienna, Austria and it was amazing!…
English | Español | Deutsch This summer I went to the wedding of one of my best friends in Vienna, Austria and it was amazing!…
English | Español | Deutsch This summer I visited Vienna and I had the opportunity to have dinner at Glaser´l Restaurant. Here you’ll be able…
English | Español | Deutsch As some of you know Austria is one of my favorite countries, I studied in Vienna for an exchange semester during…
English | Español | Deutsch I was very happy to be interviewed by Laura and Sami from Hashtag #Viajeros. In their blog you will find useful information…
English | Español | Deutsch I am so excited to receive the Blogger Recognition Award from the established blogger Yukti of Travel with me 24…
English | Español | Deutsch Our Spanish friend Laura Plasencia worked as an Au Pair in Boxford, England. In this post she explains us everything we…
English | Español | Deutsch Staying at the Sable Lodge in IMIRE rhino & wildlife conservation was one of the highlights of my six-month stay in Zimbabwe. It…
English | Español | Deutsch The Golden Temple is one of the most amazing places I’ve ever visited in my life. I remember I arrived…
English | Español | Deutsch Auschwitz-Birkenau is an impressive place that has become the synonym of the Holocaust but it’s also a site that helps…
English | Español | Deutsch I’m very excited because I won the Sprachcaffe scholarship for an English course and this summer I’m going to Malta! Let…
English | Español | Deutsch If you are going to have a job interview, it means you`ve master how to create a professional CV, congrats! Weather…