Got a Eurotrip coming up? One of the best parts of traveling is taking pictures that will last for a lifetime and will make you remember the amazing places that you visit.
In this post, I’ll give you 5 tips to take the best fashion pictures in awesome places. With just a bit of more thought and effort, you’ll be able to take awesome pics like your favorite Instagrammers.
- Know more about your destination and get inspired
- Choose an outfit which colors match the location
- Follow the ‘Rule of Thirds’
- Take A LOT of pictures
- Use a photo-editing program
1. Know more about your destination and get inspired
a. Place
It really helps to see more pictures on Social Media in order to choose the best spots to shoot at during your trip. For example, if you are going to Madrid, Spain, you can search “Madrid” on Instagram and you’ll find the best pics that people have already taken there. Then you can save in Google maps the locations that you want to visit.
In my opinion, the backgrounds that are more saturated work the best. For instance, a building with beautiful architecture with a lot of details, or a landscape full of plants, animals, and nature.
b. Time
It also helps a lot to know the weather and the best times to shoot (sunrise or sunset). I particularly try to avoid cloudy and rainy days and to shoot during the “golden hour”. For this, I type “SUNSET + CITY NAME” in google and it automatically gives me the sunset time in a particular city.
*Note: the golden hour is the period shortly after sunrise or before sunset in which the light is redder and softer compared to when the sun is higher in the sky.
Place – Saturated background

Time – Golden Hour

2. Choose an outfit which colors match the location
You can choose to either camouflage with the location or make a contrast. But always use colors that match.
Note: it’s difficult to plan a whole outfits/location plan for a Eurotrip with outfits that match the locations where you’ll take the pictures. I recommend you to buy clothes at shoppinginibiza.com
Locations: there are deliveries to Spain, Balearic Islands, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, and Czech Republic.
Brands: you can find nice brands like Adidad, Calvin Klein, Guess, Lacoste, Levi’s, Pepe Jeans, Puma, Ralp Lauren, Reebok, Roxy, and more!
Outlet: they also have an outlet with up to 70% discount.


3. Follow the ‘Rule of Thirds’
This rule says that when you are going to take a picture, you should divide your shot evenly into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and the subject should be placed at the intersection of those dividing lines, or along with one of the lines itself.
Cameras usually have a grid already built in the lens and a lot of smartphones have this functionality.
Note: it’s essential to teach these principles to the persons who will take your pictures. It’s easy so just make sure your friends/family know about the “Rule of Thirds” and show them couple examples.

4. Take A LOT of pictures
Simply keep clicking. Considering pictures, it’s always better to have more than less, in that way you’ll have more material to choose from. So take as many pictures as you can! You can always delete the ones that you don’t like later on.
Don’t worry about the memory! My advice is to buy a lot of memory cards for your camera and also a big hard drive for your computer to keep saving your pictures there. I save them in folders separating them by location and then it’s easy to find specific pictures that I’m looking for.

5. Use a photo-editing program
I’d say that 95% of the time you can convert a picture from good to great by editing it. It’s easy, you can either use your smartphone or preferably laptop and move some settings to make a picture prettier.
Applications like Lightroom, VSCO, or Snapseed are good and easy to use. With these applications, you can control your photos’ brightness, contrast, shadows, highlights, colors, sharpness, and more. My favorite is Lightroom, I use it on my laptop.
Note: Make sure that you don’t ‘over-edit’ or overuse filters or your image might end up looking too fake. I never use Instagram filters because they make the picture look processed.


Extra: is it better to shoot with a smartphone or a DSLR camera?
I shoot with both, iPhone 8 and Canon T6. With my iPhone I take pictures that have a lot of details and with my Canon, I make effects like blurred background with a 50mm lens.
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Absolutely loved the tips for capturing the best Instagram fashion pictures during a Eurotrip! Your blog always inspires me to up my fashion game while traveling. Thanks for these awesome insights!
The article is an absolute gem for fashion enthusiasts and travel lovers alike! It beautifully combines two passions and provides valuable insights on how to capture the perfect Instagram-worthy fashion moments during a Eurotrip. The tips shared in the article are unique and truly helpful, catering to both beginners and experienced Instagrammers. From understanding lighting and composition to embracing local fashion trends, this article leaves no stone unturned in guiding readers towards creating stunning and authentic fashion pictures. The author’s engaging writing style and personal anecdotes make the article a delightful read, inspiring readers to embrace their creativity and capture unforgettable fashion moments while exploring the beautiful cities of Europe.
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This is an awesome article !!
I found this article too imperative and informative !!
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