I am so excited to receive the Blogger Recognition Award from the established blogger Yukti of Travel with me 24 x 7. I would like to thank Yukti for selecting my lifestyle/travel blog and nominating me in the following post.
This is my second award on blogging after the Liebster Award and I’m so glad these awards exist because they connect bloggers from all around the world and motivate us to create more varied and quality content that will help our readers.
As a part of the nomination, I have to follow certain rules and answer some questions, so here they are:
1. Give a brief story of how your blog started
I’m a former nerd and strategy consultant which means that I spent a lot of time studying and then working on a demanding job. At the same time, I’m also a travel addict so I tried to balance my aim for development with travel experiences so I have always looked for opportunities to study, volunteer and work abroad. Therefore, I realized that I have accumulated a lot of knowledge I wanted to share by:

- Studying in Austria, Denmark, and The United States.
- Volunteering in India, The Netherlands, and the United States.
- Working in Mexico and Zimbabwe.
And my goal now is to help YOU find how to boost your career with international experiences which will let you achieve a better lifestyle.
2. Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers
There are so many blogs outside that if you want to be successful my advice is to “blog with the purpose of giving purpose to others”. Let your readers feel accompanied with your advice and create a supportive community.

Let your readers feel accompanied with your advice
When you have a goal it’s easier to achieve it with the support of others. In my case I wanted to study abroad and I won the Ernst Mach Grant which covered all the expenses for a semester abroad in Austria (more info here). I know… everything paid for top quality education, I thought that would be too difficult to win but my cousin was awarded before with this grant and she motivated and inspired me to do the application process. So the purpose of this blog is to show you the opportunities that exists and give you the tools to get them.

Create a supportive community
I created the section YOU ABROAD where anyone who studied, worked and/or volunteered abroad could write about her/his experience. That section gives great advice to everyone in the community and makes us learn about awesome opportunities that exist.
3. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to
**Here is where I’ll recognize other 15 amazing bloggers**
4. Rules to follow
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog on your blog post.
- Write a post to show your award.
- Give a brief story of how your blog started.
- Give 2 pieces of advice to new bloggers
- Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
- Comment on each 15 blogs and let them know you have nominated and provide the link to the post you created.
Win the Blogger Recognition Award
If you want to be one of my 15 nominees, leave a comment below stating:
- Your name
- The name and link to your blog (so I can check it)
- A brief description of what’s your blog about (it could be any kind of blog, not necessarily a travel blog, I’m focusing on quality and content)
Thanks and good luck!
Are you interested in finding opportunities to go abroad? In the Scholarship Finder, you can discover a wide list of scholarships, work opportunities, volunteer projects, contests, entrepreneurial support, and virtual courses!
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That’s awesome! I hope you keep enjoying many new places!
That’s exciting and thanks a lot for sharing with us! Congratulations! @ knycx.journeying
Congratulations! I cannot imagine how full of experiences you feel by having lived in so many different countries!
Congratulations! Your hard work paid off. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations. Blogging is hard and consistent work. Great service ideas too.
WOW congratulations!! That’s fantastic! Great blog btw!
I love your advice about blogging with the purpose of giving purpose to others. Such a fantastic way to think about what we do x
Congratulations on winning the award Pilar! Hi! I’m Heather from RaulersonGirlsTravel http://raulersongirlstravel.com/ My blog is a multi-generational blog where my niece also writes for it. I share stories and practical tips from my solo travel and travels with my family along with my photos that capture the essence of each place. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do
This is my blog: http://altealeszczynska.blog
My name is Altea Leszczynska and I’m an artist (painter and photographer) from Poland, my blog is a lifestyle-cultural one, I write about arts, yoga, veganism, wellness, cosmetics, fashion, I present photography directed by me and I spice my posts with my controversial opinions and montypythonesque sense of humour 🙂
Congrats on the award.My name is Karen (Karie).My blog is http://theepicuriousexplorers.com
My twin sister and I together created this blog where we share our passions for travel, food & photography. We like to inspire others to share their passions with the world. 🙂
Congrats on receiving this award! I’d love to receive the award too, here’s my info:
Blog: tx elizabeth, http://www.txelizabeth.com
About: My blog is lifestyle and travel based. I love to write about all things Texas, especially Dallas, which is where I live.
xo, Elizabeth
Wow what a great post! I’m Liv, from http://www.lettuceliv.com I write about living a plant based lifestyle and create easy and tasty recipes! I’ve been blogging for almost a year full time but before that I was a casual blogger. I absolutely love what I do.
Thanks so much
Hi! I’m Tricia, I blog at http://www.trcrlx.blogspot.com (TRICIA RELOX – mumbles on purpose)
Here’s a little description about my blog, I have a thing for different fields that I know I’m good at. As a student-blogger, I want to influence the youth in my own little way called ‘blogging’ to strive more of becoming of they wanted to be in the future. I have a thing for fashion, food, books, travelling, beauty products and photography. I gather memories and share them on my blog.
I have been blogging on and off lately. Congratulations! btw.
Congratulations! That is awesome 👏
My blog is thiswifeandmommylife.com
I open up about my emotional and uncontrollable experiences with post partum depression in hope to help other women with theirs and find a safety net. But I also inject a lot of sarcasm, humor and honesty in my posts about motherhood and wifing😏.
Hi, JaynieLea here. My blog is Rock Your World (http://www.rockyourworld.co.za)
Blog description: Let’s cut to the chase, make REAL conversation, give HONEST opinion, say EXACTLY what we are thinking, HAVE FUN and be REALISTICALLY inspiring about life, shall we…
Hi! I’m Alex and I run alexandrajulia.com, a blog focused on lifestyle and travel. I have been blogging on and off for the past year, but in the past two months have started taking blogging more seriously!
Congratulations! I wish you a lot of luck!
Congrats on your win. And your reasons to create the blog look cool. Best of luck!