Now a day is very important to understand and fight climate change, for this reason the UN is offering several online courses that you can take to learn all the essentials and obtain a certificate.
Check in this post the 10 most important things you need to know for the application process!
1. UN CC:Learn Website
2. Country
Worldwide, the courses are in 7 languages.
3. Organization
UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UN CC:Learn) is a collaborative initiative involving more than 30 multilateral organizations which supports countries in designing and implementing country-driven, results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change.
4. Courses
There are currently 9 courses and tutorials:
- National Adaptation Plans: building climate resilience in Agriculture
- Introductory e-course on Climate Change
- REED+ Academy e-course
- Children and Climate Change
- Cities and Climate Change
- Human Health and Climate Change
- Climate information and Services
- Climate Policy and Public Finance
Climate Responsive Budgeting
5. Types of courses
- Follows a curriculum over a determined time period
- Enrolment can be done at anytime by anyone
- There is a fixed deadline for completion
- Certificate is provided upon completion of all weekly activities
- Average completion time: varies (4-8 weeks)
b. Self-paced course
- Modular course, each module focuses on a thematic area
- Enrolment can be done at any time by anyone, no deadline for completion
- No moderation
- Certificate provided after completion of all assessments
- Average completion time: more than 10 hours
c. Short course
- Single module focused on one specific thematic area
- Enrolment can be done at any time by anyone, no deadline for completion
- No moderation
- Certificate provided after completion of all assessments
- Average completion time: 2-3 hours
d. Tutorial
- Short thematic introduction to a subject
- Enrolment can be done at any time by anyone, no deadline for completion
- No moderation
- No certificate provided and no assessment
- Average completion time: less than an hour
e. Moderated course
- Follows a curriculum over a determined time period
- Selected participants (criteria vary by course, application possible only during the recruitment period)
- Weekly support provided by a moderator, interaction between participants and with the moderator via forum and/or email
- Certificate provided upon completion of all activities (criteria vary by course)
- Average completions time: varies (6-12 weeks)
6. Duration
Vary depending on the course.
7. Reward
You’ll receive a certificate (in selected courses).
8. Eligibility
Open to anyone.
9. Application steps
It’s very easy to participate, just follow these steps:
- Check the website:in the UN website you’ll all the courses.
- Choose the course that you want and participate.
10. Deadline
Applications open all over the year.
Good luck!
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An excellent course, which is what we are looking for
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